The Rescuers Down Under
Hendel Butoy, Mike Gabriel, 1990
The Rescuers
Margery Sharp, 1959
The Rescuers Down Under is a movie directed by Hendel Butoy and Mike Gabriel in 1990 and based on the characters from the book The Rescuers by Margery Sharp, first published in 1959. The movie features Bob Newhart, Eva Gabor, John Candy, Tristan Rogers, Adam Ryen, George C. Scott, and others.
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In the Australian Outback, a young boy named Cody rescues and befriends a rare golden eagle called Marahute, who shows him her nest and eggs. They go to find Orville the albatross, who aided them to rescue Penny previously in the original film, but instead meet his brother, Wilbur, whom they convince to fly them to Australia.
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Movie Rate
Source: IMDb
The Rescuers Down Under
Director: Hendel Butoy, Mike Gabriel
Country: USA
Year: 1990
Length: 1h17m
*Provided by Amazon

Book Rate
S: Goodreads
The Rescuers
Author: Margery Sharp
Country: UK
First published in: 1959
Length: 160 pages
Genre: Fiction
Book series: The Rescuers
Other screen adaptations of the book

Movie by John Lounsbery, Wolfgang Reitherman
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“I was impressed with Lynch's Dune, but it was not what I had dreamed of. I'll go back to the book and to the images that came out when I read it.”
DENIS VILLENEUVE (Filmmaker, Scriptwriter)
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