The Dam Busters is a movie directed by Michael Anderson in 1955 and based on the book of the same name by Paul Brickhill, first published in 1951. The movie features Richard Todd, Michael Redgrave, Ursula Jeans, Basil Sydney, Patrick Barr, Ernest Clark, and others.
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“The book is better than the movie”
But the movie is worth watching.
The Movie is also based on
Book by Guy Gibson
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An epic war story of World War II. Scientist Dr. Barnes Wallis believes World War II can be shortened by destroying the Ruhr dams, thus paralyzing the enemy’s industrial nerve center. In spite of the difficulties caused by the critical situation at the time, he works steadily to perfect a special bomb of his own invention for the purpose. Air Ace Wing Commander Guy Gibson is chosen to form, train and lead the hand-picked squadron.
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The Dam Busters
Author: Paul Brickhill
Country: Australia
First published in: 1951
Length: 272 pages
Genre: Non Fiction
Book series: Pan Grand Strategy
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“I'm always really impressed when a movie can function like a novel does - that's so hard to do.”
GIA COPPOLA (Filmmaker)
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