The Croods Movie Novelization is a movie novelization written by Tracey West in 2013 and based on the movie The Croods, created by Kirk DeMicco and Chris Sanders in 2013. The movie features Nicolas Cage, Ryan Reynolds, Emma Stone, Catherine Keener, Cloris Leachman, Clark Duke, and others.
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“The movie is better than the book”
But the book is worth reading.
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A cave family called the Croods survives a natural disaster, due to the overprotective nature of their stubborn patriarch Grug. One night, while her family is asleep, Eep sneaks out when she sees what she discovers to be a torch of fire, and she encounters an inventive modern human boy named Guy and his pet sloth Belt.
Movie vs Book

Movie Rate
Source: IMDb
The Croods
Director: Kirk DeMicco, Chris Sanders
Country: USA
Year: 2013
Length: 1h38m
*Provided by Amazon

Book Rate
S: Goodreads
The Croods
Subtitle: Movie Novelization
Author: Tracey West
Country: USA
First published in: 2013
Length: 144 pages
Genre: Fiction
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Emma Stone has captivated wide audiences with her charismatic performances across a diverse range of films.
“The movies have made the comic books much more valuable and more respected.”
STAN LEE (Author)
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