The Christmas Note is a movie directed by Terry Ingram in 2015 and based on the book of the same name by Donna VanLiere, first published in 2011. The movie features Jamie-Lynn Sigler, Leah Gibson, Lynda Boyd, Dylan Kingwell, Barclay Hope, Nicola Cavendish, and others.
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“The book is better than the movie”
But the movie is worth watching.
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Gretchen returns to her hometown with son Ethan and meets her new neighbor, Melissa, under unusual circumstances. Melissa’s mother has passed away, and the two form a reluctant friendship when Melissa discovers she has a sibling she never knew about. Through their detective work, Gretchen and Melissa grow closer and uncover a huge surprise that will change everything.
Movie vs Book
Movie Rate
Source: IMDb
The Christmas Note
Director: Terry Ingram
Country: Canada
Year: 2015
Length: 1h25m
*Provided by Amazon
Book Rate
S: Goodreads
The Christmas Note
Author: Donna VanLiere
Country: USA
First published in: 2011
Length: 208 pages
Genre: Fiction
Book series: Christmas Hope
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