The Amazing Spider-Man
Marc Webb, 2012
The Amazing Spider-Man
Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, 1963
The Amazing Spider-Man is a movie directed by Marc Webb in 2012 and based on the characters from the comic book of the same name by Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, first published in 1963. The movie features Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans, Denis Leary, Martin Sheen, Sally Field, and others.
What users say
“The comic book is better than the movie”
But the movie is worth watching.
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A young Peter Parker discovers that his father Richard Parker’s study has been burglarized. At home, Peter finds his father’s papers, and learns his father worked with fellow scientist Dr. Curt Connors at Oscorp in the field of cross-species genetics.
Movie vs Book

Movie Rate
Source: IMDb
The Amazing Spider-Man
Director: Marc Webb
Country: USA
Year: 2012
Length: 2h16m
*Provided by Amazon

Book Rate
S: Goodreads
Comic Book
The Amazing Spider-Man
Author: Stan Lee, Steve Ditko
Country: USA
First published in: 1963
Length: 568 pages
Genre: Fiction
Book series: The Amazing Spider-Man
Other screen adaptations of the comic book

TV Series by Stan Lee, Steve Ditko

Movie by Sam Raimi

Movie by Marc Webb

Movie by Jon Watts

Movie by Jon Watts

Movie by Jon Watts
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Most of the characters Stan Lee co-created during Marvel Comics’ Silver Age have been adapted to cinema and television.
Since The Shadow by Walter B. Gibson was adapted to cinema in 1937, many superhero comics have been adapted to screen.
Emma Stone has captivated wide audiences with her charismatic performances across a diverse range of films.
“The book is so rich. There are so many fantastic details, but in order to preserve and have the time to bring that to the screen, we had to make important choices.”
DENIS VILLENEUVE (Filmmaker, Scriptwriter)
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