Sons of Anarchy: Bratva is a TV series novelization written by Christopher Golden in 2014 and based on the TV series Sons of Anarchy, created by Kurt Sutter in 2008. The TV series features Charlie Hunnam, Katey Sagal, Mark Boone Junior, Kim Coates, Tommy Flanagan, Theo Rossi, and others.
What users say
“The TV series is better than the book”
But the book is worth reading.
The TV Series is based on
Book by William Shakespeare
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A biker struggles to balance being a father and being involved in an outlaw motorcycle club. The series begins with the destruction of a warehouse the club uses to store and assemble guns, which is their main source of income, by a rival MC right before the overdose of Jax’s methamphetamine-addicted ex-wife Wendy. Jax finds his father’s memoirs when he visits a storage unit to collect some old baby clothes.
Movie vs Book
Movie Rate
Source: IMDb
TV Series
Sons of Anarchy
Creator: Kurt Sutter
Country: USA
Year: 2008-2014
Length: 45m / 92 episodes
Book Rate
S: Goodreads
Sons of Anarchy: Bratva
Author: Christopher Golden
Country: USA
First published in: 2014
Length: 256 pages
Genre: Fiction
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Novelizations aren’t just a transcription of the film story. They also add details and backstory to the plot in a literary way.
“I liked the film very much but I found working on it incredibly stressful; I would probably not adapt my own work again - you need to have distance from the book.”
DAVID NICHOLLS (Writer and Screenwriter)
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