Song of the Thin Man is a movie directed by Edward Buzzell in 1947 and based on the characters from the book The Thin Man by Dashiell Hammett, first published in 1934. The movie features William Powell, Myrna Loy, Keenan Wynn, Dean Stockwell, Phillip Reed, Patricia Morison, and others.
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“The book is better than the movie”
But the movie is worth watching.
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While aboard a gambling boat, Nick and Nora Charles find themselves amidst a murder investigation. The prime suspects, still on the loose, seek Nick’s assistance. Although Nick eventually turns them in to the police, he then takes it upon himself to unravel the mystery surrounding the crime.
Movie vs Book

Movie Rate
Source: IMDb
Song of the Thin Man
Director: Edward Buzzell
Country: USA
Year: 1947
Length: 1h26m
*Provided by Amazon

Book Rate
S: Goodreads
The Thin Man
Author: Dashiell Hammett
Country: USA
First published in: 1934
Length: 201 pages
Genre: Fiction
Other screen adaptations of the book

Movie by W.S. Van Dyke

Movie by W.S. Van Dyke

Movie by W.S. Van Dyke

Movie by W.S. Van Dyke

Movie by Richard Thorpe

TV Series by Oscar Rudolph, Don Weis, William Asher
User polls & recommendations
“The book is so rich. There are so many fantastic details, but in order to preserve and have the time to bring that to the screen, we had to make important choices.”
DENIS VILLENEUVE (Filmmaker, Scriptwriter)
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