Snowden is a movie directed by Oliver Stone in 2016 and based on the book Time of the Octopus: Based on the True Story of Whistleblower Edward Snowden by Anatoly Kucherena, first published in 2015. The movie features Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Shailene Woodley, Melissa Leo, Zachary Quinto, Tom Wilkinson, Rhys Ifans, and others.
What users say
“The movie is better than the book”
But the book is worth reading.
The Movie is also based on
Book by Luke Harding
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In 2013, Edward Snowden arranges a clandestine meeting in Hong Kong with documentarian Laura Poitras and journalist Glenn Greenwald. Poitras later released a documentary about this meeting titled Citizenfour, this in turn was used in a scene within the film Snowden. He eventually fractures his tibia, and is informed that he will be receiving an administrative discharge and that he may serve his country in other ways.
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Time of the Octopus
Subtitle: Based on the True Story of Whistleblower Edward Snowden
Author: Anatoly Kucherena
Country: Rusia
First published in: 2015
Length: 256 pages
Genre: Biography
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Biopic movies have always been popular. The books they’re based on are an opportunity to delve into the lives of those characters.
James Bond, Jason Bourne, Jack Ryan, and other fictional and non-fictional spy movie characters taken from books and comics.
A movie gains interest when we know it is based on true events. And when there is also a book behind it, that book becomes essential.
Drawing inspiration from acclaimed authors such as John le Carré, Ian Fleming, and Tom Clancy, spy thrillers is a very popular genre.
“The most successful films of all time have been sci-fi or fantasy. But a lot of people won't even read science fiction books.”
DAVID S. GOYER (Writer, Filmmaker)
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