Aidy Bryant, Alexandra Rushfield, Lindy West, 2019-
Shrill: Notes from a Loud Woman
Lindy West, 2016
Shrill is a TV series created by Aidy Bryant, Alexandra Rushfield and Lindy West in 2019 and based on the book Shrill: Notes from a Loud Woman by Lindy West, first published in 2016. The TV series features Aidy Bryant, Lolly Adefope, Luka Jones, Dana Millican, John Cameron Mitchell, Ian Owens, and others.
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“The book is better than the TV series”
But the TV series is worth watching.
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Shrill follows Annie, described as an overweight young woman who wants to change her life — but not her body. Annie is trying to make it as a journalist while juggling bad boyfriends, sick parents and a perfectionist boss, while the world around her deems her not good enough because of her weight. She starts to realize that she’s as good as anyone else, and acts on it.
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Movie Rate
Source: IMDb
TV Series
Creator: Aidy Bryant, Alexandra Rushfield, Lindy West
Country: USA
Year: 2019-
Length: 30m / 22 episodes
Book Rate
S: Goodreads
Shrill: Notes from a Loud Woman
Original title: Shrill: Women Are Funny, It's Okay to Be Fat, and Feminists Don't Have to Be Nice
Author: Lindy West
Country: USA
First published in: 2016
Length: 260 pages
Genre: Biography
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Biopic movies have always been popular. The books they’re based on are an opportunity to delve into the lives of those characters.
“When I see a 700-page novel, my first thought is, 'Ooh, how could you cut this down to size and make a movie out of it?'”
BRIAN HELGELAND (Screenwriter)
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