Rescued by Ruby
Katt Shea, 2022
Ruby: The Underdog Champ
SQuire Rushnell, Louise DuArt, 2021
Rescued by Ruby is a movie directed by Katt Shea in 2022 and based on the book Ruby: The Underdog Champ: Dogwinks: True Godwink Stories of Dogs and the Blessings They Bring by SQuire Rushnell and Louise DuArt, first published in 2021. The movie features Grant Gustin, Scott Wolf, Kaylah Zander, Camille Sullivan, Tom McBeath, Sharon Taylor, and others.
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“The book is better than the movie”
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Ruby is an extremely hyperactive dog that has been adopted multiple times from the shelter she’s been in over the last six months, but always later returned due to an inability to train or control her. Rhode Island state trooper Daniel O’Neil has dreamed of joining the K-9 search and rescue team of the state police. However, he has been rejected 7 times and he only has one last chance to qualify before he turns 30.
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S: Goodreads
Ruby: The Underdog Champ
Subtitle: Dogwinks: True Godwink Stories of Dogs and the Blessings They Bring
Author: SQuire Rushnell, Louise DuArt
Country: USA
First published in: 2021
Length: 23 pages
Genre: Non Fiction
Book series: The Godwink Series
User polls & recommendations
“I liked the film very much but I found working on it incredibly stressful; I would probably not adapt my own work again - you need to have distance from the book.”
DAVID NICHOLLS (Writer and Screenwriter)
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