Pride and Passion is a TV series created by Marcos Bernstein in 2018 and inspired by the book Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, first published in 1813. The TV series features Nathalia Dill, Thiago Lacerda, Agatha Moreira, Chandelly Braz, Vera Holtz, Rodrigo Simas, and others.
What users say
“The TV series is better than the book”
But the book is worth reading.
The TV Series is also based on
Book by Jane Austen
Book by Jane Austen
Book by Jane Austen
Book by Jane Austen
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Set in 1910, this is the story of Elisabeta, a woman ahead of her time, with dreams and ambitions completely different for a young woman for the period. She is encouraged by her father to realize her dreams. Elisabeta lives with four other sisters, each with a different personality. She will have a turnaround in her life when she meets Darcy, with whom they will share a great passion.
Movie vs Book
Movie Rate
Source: IMDb
TV Series
Pride and Passion
Original title: Orgulho e Paixão
Creator: Marcos Bernstein
Country: Brazil
Year: 2018-
Length: 40m / 161 episodes
Book Rate
S: Goodreads
Pride and Prejudice
Author: Jane Austen
Country: UK
First published in: 1813
Length: 279 pages
Genre: Fiction
Other screen adaptations of the book
Movie by Robert Z. Leonard
TV Series by Joan Craft
TV Mini-Series by Cyril Coke
TV Mini-Series by Simon Langton
Movie by Sharon Maguire
Movie by Andrew Black
Movie by Gurinder Chadha
Movie by Joe Wright
TV Mini-Series by Dan Zeff
Movie by Bonnie Mae
TV Series by Hank Green, Bernie Su
TV Mini-Series by Daniel Percival
Movie by Michael J. Mantsourani Jr.
Movie by Ian Denyer
TV Mini-Series by Rebecca McGibney
Movie by Byrum Geisler
Movie by Burr Steers
Movie by David Winning
Movie by Colin Theys
Movie by Don McBrearty
Movie by Rhonda Baraka
Movie by Michael Kampa
Movie by Andrew Ahn
Movie by Nicole Loven
Movie by Clare Niederpruem
Movie by Peter Wellington
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Jane Austen’s witty heroines and dashing yet complex romantic interests have been adapted very often to cinema and TV.
The turbulent relationship between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy through every film and TV adaptation of Jane Austen’s novel.
“The language of prose is very different than the language of cinema. The movie has to successfully translate what was in the book.”
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