Mob City is a TV series created by Frank Darabont in 2013 and based on the book L.A. Noir: The Struggle for the Soul of America’s Most Seductive City by John Buntin, first published in 2009. The TV series features Jon Bernthal, Milo Ventimiglia, Neal McDonough, Alexa Davalos, Jeffrey DeMunn, Robert Knepper, and others.
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Witness the epic showdown between Officer Joe Teague and a dangerous mobster during the 1940s in Los Angeles. Tasked with joining a new mob enforcement unit, Teague’s mission is to rid the city of criminals like Mickey Cohen, the merciless kingpin of the Los Angeles underworld. Brace yourself for a gripping tale of conflict as Teague and his team strive to restore order and bring down the notorious underworld leader.
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L.A. Noir
Subtitle: The Struggle for the Soul of America's Most Seductive City
Author: John Buntin
Country: USA
First published in: 2009
Length: 432 pages
Genre: Biography
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Biopic movies have always been popular. The books they’re based on are an opportunity to delve into the lives of those characters.
“When you have worked as a screenwriter and watched as many films as I have watched, I think it seeps onto the page. I don't think that's always a good thing.”
DAVID NICHOLLS (Writer and Screenwriter)
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