BlacKkKlansman is a movie directed by Spike Lee in 2018 and based on the book Black Klansman: Race, Hate, and the Undercover Investigation of a Lifetime by Ron Stallworth, first published in 2014. The movie features John David Washington, Adam Driver, Topher Grace, Laura Harrier, Ryan Eggold, Corey Hawkins, and others.
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“The movie is better than the book”
But the book is worth reading.
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In 1972, Ron Stallworth is hired as the first black officer in the Colorado Springs Police Department. He speaks with Walter Breachway, the president of the Colorado Springs, Colorado chapter, but soon realizes not only did he use his real name, but he also has to go and meet the Klan members.
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Black Klansman
Subtitle: Race, Hate, and the Undercover Investigation of a Lifetime
Author: Ron Stallworth
Country: USA
First published in: 2014
Length: 191 pages
Genre: Biography
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