Batman: The Movie is a movie directed by Leslie H. Martinson in 1966 and based on the characters from the comic book Batman by Bob Kane and Bill Finger, first published in 1940. The movie features Adam West, Burt Ward, Lee Meriwether, Cesar Romero, Burgess Meredith, Frank Gorshin, and others.
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“The comic book is better than the movie”
But the movie is worth watching.
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When Batman and Robin get a tip that Commodore Schmidlapp is in danger aboard his yacht, they launch a rescue mission using the Batcopter. After the mission, Batman and Robin head back to Commissioner Gordon’s office, where they deduce that the tip was a set-up by the United Underworld, a gathering of four of the most powerful villains in Gotham City: the Joker, the Penguin, the Riddler, and the Catwoman.
Movie vs Book
Movie Rate
Source: IMDb
Batman: The Movie
Director: Leslie H. Martinson
Country: USA
Year: 1966
Length: 1h45m
*Provided by Amazon
Book Rate
S: Goodreads
Comic Book
Author: Bob Kane, Bill Finger
Country: USA
First published in: 1940
Length: 55 pages
Genre: Fiction
Book series: Batman
Other screen adaptations of the comic book
TV Series by Lorenzo Semple Jr., William Dozier
Movie by Tim Burton
Movie by Tim Burton
Movie by Joel Schumacher
Movie by Joel Schumacher
Movie by Christopher Nolan
Movie by Christopher Nolan
Movie by Christopher Nolan
TV Series by Bruno Heller
Movie by Chris McKay
Movie by Todd Phillips
Movie by Sam Liu
Movie by Aaron Schoenke, Sean Schoenke
Movie by Matt Reeves
Movie by Mike Roth
User polls & recommendations
“It’s often quite an adversarial relationship between a novelist and the people adapting their work, because a big part of the job is discarding material.”
DAVID NICHOLLS (Writer and Screenwriter)
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