Marvel’s Ant-Man: The Junior Novel is a movie novelization written by Chris Wyatt in 2015 and based on the movie Ant-Man, directed by Peyton Reed in 2015. The movie features Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas, Evangeline Lilly, Corey Stoll, Bobby Cannavale, Anthony Mackie, and others.
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“The movie is better than the book”
But the book is worth reading.
The Movie is based on
Comic Book by Stan Lee, Larry Lieber, Jack Kirby
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In 1989, scientist Hank Pym resigns from S.H.I.E.L.D. after discovering their attempt to replicate his Ant-Man shrinking technology. Believing the technology would be dangerous if replicated, Pym vows to hide it for as long as he lives. In the present day, Pym’s estranged daughter, Hope van Dyne, and former protégé, Darren Cross, have forced him out of his company, Pym Technologies.
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Marvel's Ant-Man: The Junior Novel
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Created in 1939 under the name of Timely Publications, Marvel has today become a powerful brand and a blockbuster machine.
Since The Shadow by Walter B. Gibson was adapted to cinema in 1937, many superhero comics have been adapted to screen.
Novelizations aren’t just a transcription of the film story. They also add details and backstory to the plot in a literary way.
“When you write a movie, you have a hundred collaborators. But when you write a novel, it's yours.”
SIDNEY SHELDON (Writer, Screenwriter)
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