Based on a short story by Stephen King, The Children of the Corn is a horror classic that has spawned multiple sequels.
Young lovers on a cross-country trip stop in a small Nebraska community and make a shocking discovery. One day, three years prior to the couples’ arrival, the town’s children killed all of the grown-ups at the apparent behest of a demon simply dubbed “He Who Walks Behind the Rows.”
Arriving in Gatlin, Nebraska, a news-reporter and his son get wind of a story about the youth in the town murdering their parents finds that a series of brutal murders are revealed to be worshipers of the corn-stalks and try to stop them before they carry out their plans.
Eli and Joshua are being taken into foster care with William and Amanda Porter of Chicago after the death of their father, who was killed by Eli. On his first night in Chicago, after everyone else has gone to sleep, Eli quietly leaves the Porters’, taking his corn-filled suitcase, and heads to an empty factory on the other side of a nearby cornfield.
Set primarily in 1975 in the fictional town of Gatlin, Nebraska this remake of the 1984 original centers around traveling couple Burt and Vicky as they fight to survive a cult of murderous children who worship an entity known as He Who Walks Behind The Rows, which had years earlier manipulated the children into killing every adult in town.
Medical student Grace Rhodes returns to her hometown of Grand Island, Nebraska to take care of her agoraphobic mother June, who refuses to leave her yard. One night, a group of children descend upon the house, led by a child preacher, and Sandra is murdered in front of Marcus.
A group of teenagers become lost in middle America and arrive in Divinity Falls, where forgotten children have taken on the duty of serving He Who Walks Behind the Rows. Upon arrival, they are stopped by Ezekial, who could be considered the leader of the children, and he informs them they are on private property and must leave.
Tim and Allie’s car breaks down and they attempt to find shelter in a remote desert farmhouse after becoming lost. They find their hosts weird but don’t think much of it and head to bed after dinner. Allie wanders off in the middle of the night after using the outhouse, and discovers the garage has been converted into a cult worshipping church.