Filmography › Tevin Paul
All the book-based movies and TV shows featuring Tevin Paul
Tevin Paul appears in Roots, the television adaptation of the book by Alex Haley Roots: The Saga of an American Family, first published in 1976.
We invite you to watch, read, and vote for either the adaptation or the original, and join the debate on whether the book or the TV series is better.
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Bruce Beresford, Thomas Carter, Phillip Noyce, Mario Van Peebles, 2016
A historical portrait of one family’s journey through American slavery and their will to survive and preserve their legacy in the face of unimaginable hardship. The series starts in 1760s, and follows the story of Kunta Kinte, a Mandinka warrior from Jufureh in The Gambia, in West Africa, who will be captured and sold to slavery in America.