The Counterfeiters. Poster of the 2007 movie and cover of the 1983 book, The Devil's Workshop
The Devil's Workshop
Adolf Burger, 1983
movie vs book
Stefan Ruzowitzky, 2007

The film begins shortly after the end of the Second World War, with a man arriving in Monte Carlo. After checking into an expensive hotel and paying with cash, he takes in the high life of Monte Carlo, successfully gambling in a casino and attracting the attention of a beautiful French woman. Later, she discovers tattooed numerals on his arm, revealing him as a survivor of the Nazi concentration camps.

The Way Back. Poster of the 2010 movie and cover of the 1956 book, The Long Walk
The Long Walk
Slavomir Rawicz, 1956
movie vs book
Peter Weir, 2010

During World War II, after the Soviet invasion of Poland, young Polish army officer Janusz Wieszczek is held as a POW and interrogated by the NKVD. Smith cautions Janusz that it is Khabarov’s way to discuss escape plans with newcomers, to maintain his morale, but nothing will come of it.

We Children from Bahnhof Zoo. Poster of the 2021 TV series and cover of the 1978 book, Zoo Station: The Story of Christiane F.
Zoo Station: The Story of Christiane F.
Christiane F., Kai Hermann, Horst Rieck, 1978
TV series vs book
Oliver Berben, Annette Hess, Philipp Kadelbach, 2021

A modern and contemporary interpretation, inspired by the gripping memoirs of Christiane F. and follows six young people who fight vehemently and uncompromisingly for their dream of happiness. They are not victims, but young, brave and strong and their story is absolutely touching and stirring.