Dancing Through the Shadow. Poster of the 2021 movie and cover of the 2018 book, Dancing Through The Shadow
Dancing Through The Shadow
Agnes Bristow, 2018
movie vs book
Leif Bristow, 2021

A riveting narrative of the life of Tia Zhang, a young Chinese ballerina who came of age during the reign of Mao Zedong. The story takes place in Beijing, China, and spans over a period of nearly 50 years, blending the most intimate moments of Tia’s personal life with a whirlwind of horrific historic events.

Dark Matter. Poster of the 2015 TV series and cover of the 2012 book
Dark Matter
Joseph Mallozzi, Paul Mullie, Garry Brown, 2012
TV series vs comic book
Joseph Mallozzi, Paul Mullie, 2015-2017

A group of six people awaken in stasis pods with amnesia aboard the starship Raza. They have no memories of who they are or their lives before awakening, so they assume the names One through Six, the order in which they left stasis. They stabilize their vessel and set about trying to uncover their identities and what happened to them.