Filmography › Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas'
All the book-based movies and TV shows featuring Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas'
Mario Moreno 'Cantinflas' appears in , the adaptation of the by , first published in .
We invite you to watch, read, and vote for either the adaptation or the original, and join the debate on whether the or the is better.
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Michael Anderson, John Farrow, 1956
In 1872, an English gentleman Phileas Fogg claims he can circumnavigate the world in eighty days. He makes a £20,000 wager with four skeptical fellow members of the Reform Club that he can arrive back eighty days from exactly 8:45 pm that evening. Together with his resourceful valet, Passepartout, they set out on the journey from Paris by a gas balloon.