Filmography › Jana Mckinnon
All the book-based movies and TV shows featuring Jana Mckinnon, ranked
Adolescent females attending a secluded boarding school for girls, delve into their developing sexuality, participate in ceremonial practices, cultivate intense relationships, experience changing allegiances, and engage in a cutthroat competition for dominance.
A modern and contemporary interpretation, inspired by the gripping memoirs of Christiane F. and follows six young people who fight vehemently and uncompromisingly for their dream of happiness. They are not victims, but young, brave and strong and their story is absolutely touching and stirring.
Upon relocating to London, Liv encounters a enigmatic group of boys who introduce her to the realm of dream-travel. Together with her fellow dream-wanderers, they embark on a ritual to manifest their greatest dream, only to realize that achieving it comes at the cost of a profound sacrifice.