Filmography › Jacqueline Bisset
All the book-based movies and TV shows featuring Jacqueline Bisset, ranked
Senator Walter Chalmers is aiming to take down mob boss Pete Ross with the help of testimony from the criminal’s hothead brother Johnny, who is in protective custody in San Francisco under the watch of police lieutenant Frank Bullitt. When a pair of mob hitmen enter the scene, Bullitt follows their trail through a maze of complications and double-crosses.
In December 1935, Hercule Poirot is travelling aboard the Orient Express, encountering his friend Signor Bianchi, a director of the company which owns the line. During the trip, American businessman Samuel Ratchett is found stabbed to death in his cabin. Bianchi entreats Poirot to solve the case.
The film follows Michael Sullivan, the son of US State Department diplomat who died when Michael was young. Michael leaves a lucrative job at a large bank and lands his dream job as a diplomat with the United Nations, in the fall of 2002. He is assigned to work as an assistant to Under-Secretary-General Costa Passaris, the head of the Oil-for-Food Programme, operated since 1995 to help the citizens of Iraq without allowing the oil sales to boost Saddam Hussein and his regime.
Young Tory Bodeen is blessed with clairvoyance. Her childhood best friend, Hope, is murdered and she leaves town. Years later she returns to open a retail store. Tory’s father, an abusive religious fanatic and ex-con remains the prime suspect in the unsolved murder. Her mother is a weak enabler, believing her husband is a good man, and that Tory is evil due to her paranormal abilities.
Kate is an aspiring ballerina who is given a scholarship to attend a prestigious ballet school in Paris. Upon arrival her confidence is tested by a fellow dancer, Marine who recently lost her brother. While confrontational at first, their relationship evolves into an emotionally charged, competitive union beset by lies and sexual awakening as they risk it all to join the Opéra national de Paris.
Jillian Hayes, Carol Rosen, and Meg Pesaturo form ‘The Survivors Club’ after being raped by a serial killer. They utilize the media to pressure law enforcement to apprehend the rapist. Eddie Como is arrested, but before he can be brought to trial, he is assassinated by a sniper. As a result, the three women become suspects instead of victims.
A fading actress, Sheila finds consolation in a stranger, Margo during her train journey. Sheila tells Margo of her desire to divorce her husband, and in turn Margo shares her hatred for her domineering mother. They jokingly suggest performing a murder on each other’s behalf. But all too soon the joke becomes reality.
Visitors are caught off guard by a volcanic eruption while staying at a secluded hotel in the Caribbean. Despite the warnings, the owner of the hotel disregards the advice and instructs the guests to await rescue. However, a select few opt to accompany the expert, Hank Anderson, as they embark on a journey to higher ground. This small group sets out on an exhilarating expedition across the island.