Filmography › Frankie Faison
All the book-based movies and TV shows featuring Frankie Faison, ranked
Clarice Starling, a young FBI trainee, is asked to carry out an errand by Jack Crawford, the head of the FBI division that draws up psychological profiles of serial killers. Crawford ‘s real intention, however, is to try to solicit Lecter’s assistance in the hunt for a serial killer dubbed ‘Buffalo Bill’, whose modus operandi involves kidnapping overweight women, starving them for up to two weeks, killing and skinning them and dumping the remains in nearby rivers.
The true story of Mamie Till Mobley’s relentless pursuit of justice for her 14 year old son, Emmett Till, who, in 1955, was lynched while visiting his cousins in Mississippi.
When a sabotaged experiment gives him super strength and unbreakable skin, Luke Cage becomes a fugitive attempting to rebuild his life in Harlem and must soon confront his past and fight a battle for the heart of his city. After clearing his name, Cage becomes a hero and celebrity in Harlem, only to encounter a new threat that makes him confront the line between hero and villain.
In 1980, forensic psychiatrist Hannibal Lecter is irritated by the performance of a flautist at a recital of A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Graham has been working with Lecter on a psychological profile of a serial killer who removes edible body parts from his victims; Graham says he has realized the killer is a cannibal.
Ten years after tracking down serial killer Jame Gumb, FBI Special Agent Clarice Starling is blamed for a botched drug raid. Using his wealth and political influence, Verger has Starling reassigned to Lecter’s case, hoping her involvement will draw Lecter out. In one city, Florence, Chief Inspector Rinaldo Pazzi is investigating the disappearance of a library curator.
Based on the true story of Lee Strobel, an atheist journalist and investigative reporter for the Chicago Tribune, who in 1980 applies his well-honed journalistic and legal skills to disprove the newfound Christian faith of his wife… with unexpected, life-altering results.
During a red-eye flight of a Lockheed L-1011 from Los Angeles International Airport to Boston Logan International Airport, the plane flies through a strange light, and most of the passengers and flight crew disappear, leaving behind only personal artifacts. Pilot Brian Engle, deadheading on the flight, takes the controls; unable to contact any other airport, he decides to land the plane at Bangor International Airport.
As the Earth crosses the tail of a comet, previously inanimate machines suddenly spring to life; an ATM insults a customer and a bascule bridge rises during heavy traffic, causing all vehicles upon the bridge to fall into the river or collide. At the Dixie Boy Truck Stop just outside Wilmington, North Carolina, employee Duncan Keller is blinded after a gas dispenser sprays diesel in his eyes.